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Examiner/ Moderator Vacancies
{"grandParentLink":null,"parentLink":{"linkText":"Examine with us","url":"/home/examine-with-us/"},"currentLink":{"linkText":"Examiners and Moderators FAQs","url":"/home/examine-with-us/examiner-moderator-vacancies/examiners-and-moderators-faqs/"},"childrenLinks":[{"linkText":"Examiner/ Moderator Vacancies","url":"/home/examine-with-us/examiner-moderator-vacancies/"},{"linkText":"Senior Appointee Vacancies","url":"/home/examine-with-us/senior-appointee-vacancies/"},{"linkText":"Centre Inspectors","url":"/home/examine-with-us/centre-inspectors/"},{"linkText":"Already Working With Us?","url":"/home/examine-with-us/already-working-with-us/"}],"lowerChildrenLinks":[{"linkText":"Examiners and Moderators FAQs","url":"/home/examine-with-us/examiner-moderator-vacancies/examiners-and-moderators-faqs/"}]}
- Examiners and Moderators FAQs
Senior Appointee Vacancies
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Examiners and Moderators FAQs
{"accordionHeading":"The Application Process","accordionItems":[{"accordionTitle":"Can I track the progress of my application?","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p>Yes. You can track the progress of your application via the 'Subject Area' section of the<br />Appointees application website, under 'approval status'. If your online application status<br />changes at any time, you will receive an email advising you to check the website.</p>"},{"accordionTitle":"I have examined for ³Ô¹ÏºÚÁÏ previously, do I need to reapply?","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p>If you have previously worked as an Examiner or Moderator with ³Ô¹ÏºÚÁÏ, you will not need to<br />re-apply unless you are applying for a Principal Examiner or Moderator role.</p>"},{"accordionTitle":"The subject/level I wish to apply for is not available on the appointees application site.","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p>From time to time, the subjects and levels on the site will change, according to our requirements. Details of available vacancies will appear on the public website.</p>"},{"accordionTitle":"I have received an email request to provide a reference, but I don't have any login details for the appointees application site.","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p>Referees do not require log in details to access the reference section of the site. Simply click the link in the email and you will be taken directly to the reference page of the site. (N.B. The reference page is the only portion of the site that referees will be able to view). If you are taken directly to the login page of the site, copy and paste the link into your internet browser.</p>\n<p><br />If the link you were sent has expired, please email <a href=\"mailto:application.support@wjec.co.uk\">application.support@wjec.co.uk</a> or call<br />029 2026 5457 and you will be provided with an updated link.</p>"}]}
{"accordionHeading":"Role Information","accordionItems":[{"accordionTitle":"How many scripts do I mark?","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p>We typically allocate approximately 350 scripts for GCSE. For GCE, this is approximately 250 scripts.</p>"},{"accordionTitle":"How much time is allocated to marking scripts?","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p>Marking is typically undertaken over a 3 week period. There are specific deadlines which must be met during the assessment process which you will be notified of.</p>"},{"accordionTitle":"How much time do I need out of school and is substitute cover provided?","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p>You are required to attend an Examiner / Moderator training conference which is usually held on a weekend where possible. Should you need time out of school or college, the cost of substitute cover will be covered by ³Ô¹ÏºÚÁÏ. Marking will need to be undertaken in your time so it is important that you manage your time effectively during the assessment<br />period.</p>"},{"accordionTitle":"Can I specify which units I would like to mark?","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p>Yes, you can specify in the supporting statement for your application or via telephone when we contact you if would only like to mark specific units.</p>"},{"accordionTitle":"What training and guide is available to help me through the process?","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p>All details are available on our Training and Support page.</p>"},{"accordionTitle":"When would I need to be available?","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p>We ask first-time Examiners / Moderators to assess in the summer period only. The precise period depends on the date of the examination that you will be marking. Further information is available on the Training and Support page.</p>"},{"accordionTitle":"When can I expect to hear if a position is available for?","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p>Positions are offered from Christmas until the training conference takes place in the summer. Please view the Application process page for further details.</p>"},{"accordionTitle":"How do I find out about which dates I need to make available?","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p>Information is included in the contract and during the training conference. You can see key dates and deadlines on the <a rel=\"noopener\" href=\"https://appointees.wjec.co.uk/\" target=\"_blank\">Appointee Management Portal</a>.</p>"},{"accordionTitle":"Which deadlines will I need to meet?","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p>The deadlines are specified in the contract and in the conference. If you feel that you cannot meet the deadlines specified at any time, please do not hesitate to contact our Appointees team who are more than happy to help.</p>"},{"accordionTitle":"If I need more information who should I contact?","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p>If you have any questions, please email us at <a href=\"mailto:application.support@wjec.co.uk\">application.support@wjec.co.uk</a> or call us on 029 2026 5457. Please note, our office hours are 8.30am – 5.30pm Monday to Friday.</p>\n<p><br />Alternatively, please contact the Subject Officer for your qualification. Their details are available on the specific qualification page.</p>"}]}